
The 10 Benefits of Bananas: Why You Should Eat Them Every Day

 10. It cures skin problems

You have been bitten by an insect and it creates very unpleasant itching?

Well, the banana relieves you from these unpleasant sensations. Just rub the inside of the skin on the swollen area and let it work.

The itching goes away not more than 5 minutes later.

And that’s not all. Our favorite fruit has another virtue that only our grandmothers know.

If you have a wart, place the inside of a ripe banana peel directly on it.

Tape it with medical tape and repeat the process several times.

The small wart that has just started to grow will disappear without a problem (note that the remedy does not work on old warts).


Finally, while we’re on the subject of skin benefits, did you know that a banana mask is perfect for moisturizing the face?

Does banana make you overweight ?

The banana has a bad reputation that sticks to the skin. It is said that it makes you fat, because it is too high in calories, too sweet, and even difficult to digest.


It is even said that it should be consumed in moderation!

So, are there really any disadvantages to eating it?

Well, I did some research, especially with nutritionists, to find out what is true and what is not.

The answer is clear and unanimous: BANANA DOES NOT MAKE YOU FAT!

As for many foods, if you don’t abuse it, there is no danger to gain weight.

So yes, it is more caloric than an apple (90 calories for 100 gr). But as long as you don’t eat 3 in a row, no problem.

The banana is definitely full of virtues and nutritional benefits.

Is it good to eat 1 banana a day?

There is no problem to eat 1 banana every day.

This fruit provides the energy that the body needs, including vitamins B6, B9, C… Eat a banana to start the day well and fill up with vitality!

What is the best time to eat a banana?

At breakfast or at the 10 o’clock break, it is there that the benefits of the banana are felt the most.

Why is that?

Because the body stores all the energy of this fruit without storing it, whether at the office or before doing sports.

Eating a banana in the morning is therefore particularly energizing.

Now it’s your turn…

Do you eat bananas regularly? Tell us in comments what benefits it brings you. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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