
How to Dress to Look Thinner And Taller: 18 Slimming Fashion Tips That Work!

3. Enhance your posture

You can make yourself look 10 pounds lighter just by standing up straight, which will pull your stomach in. Keep your back straight and your shoulders thrown back. This can sometimes be quite uncomfortable if you’re used to slouching, but it can make a huge visual difference.

  • Sleeping on your back can help you keep a straighter posture during the day.

2. Wear heels

When you wear heels, you naturally change your posture, rotating your hips to tighten your buttocks and help keep your shoulders and back straight. This will also lengthen your legs, which will also make you slimmer. If you’re a woman, wear high heels when you can to look slimmer. If you are a man, many dress shoes have a heel and you can achieve the same result to a lesser extent.

1. Avoid foods that cause bloating

food that cause bloating Some foods also cause gas when digested, which can make you bloated and feel heavier. Don’t eat these foods if you really want to look thinner.

  • Foods that cause bloating include white beans, beans, garlic, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and other foods in the cabbage family.

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