How I Get Rid of Blackheads with My Toothbrush!

Get Rid of Blackheads with my Toothbrush

You’ve tried everything to prevent blackheads, and now they’re showing up on your chin.

You can’t always escape blackheads. And that’s normal. Creams, soap and big city pollution clog our pores and turn them into a nest of impurities.

I have a radical solution to suggest. The good thing is that you have what you need at hand: a toothbrush.

No, don’t pierce your blackheads with your fingernails, it’s the worst solution that will leave you with horrible scars.

Get a very soft toothbrush, which will only be used for that, of course.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads with my Toothbrush

Blackheads with my Toothbrush

  1. I wet my toothbrush with lemon juice.
  2. Gently massage the area where my blackheads are located in a circular motion.
  3. I can repeat the operation by cleaning my toothbrush with clear water.


And that’s it, I get rid of my blackheads with my toothbrush and disinfect the area with the lemon juice. And if you have a little more time, you can try our homemade blackhead patches. Now you’re ready for your romantic evening. Will you tell me about it?

Your turn…

If you’ve tried my blackhead removal tip, tell me about it in the comments.

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