
12 best Foods to Prevent and Fight Cellulite

The 12 best foods to prevent and fight cellulite
The 12 best foods to prevent and fight cellulite

Stubborn cellulite does not only affect overweight people! With the years, the skin becomes slack and our sedentary lifestyle favors the installation of orange peel skin. Lack of physical exercise, venous insufficiency (which also favors water retention and heavy legs) as well as a poor lifestyle (alcohol, stress…), and hormonal or inflammatory imbalances do the rest. And of course, diet plays a key role in the accumulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue. We know, for example, that excess salt, saturated fats and refined sugar (found in particular in industrially processed foods) are very bad. But on the contrary, which foods should we turn to in order to prevent and fight cellulite?

Here is a shortlist of anti-cellulite foods!

1. Water, water, water


It’s impossible to go into a list of cellulite foods without mentioning it! Everyone knows that you should drink water, but few people really stick to it, substituting it with sugary drinks. However, drinking throughout the day allows the elimination of toxins and promotes lymphatic drainage. In itself, water alone will not eliminate cellulite, especially adipose or fibrous cellulite. Nevertheless, in the case of watery cellulite mixed with water retention, it is the most important action. And it remains a good habit to get rid of it more efficiently, whatever the type of cellulite.

2. Green tea


Antioxidant, diuretic and slimming, it limits the assimilation of fats by the body and water retention. In doing so, it will also fight against cellulite and acts in prevention on fat cells! In addition, it has the effect of accelerating the metabolism. To do this, do not hesitate to consume twice a day outside of meals.

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