10 Home Remedies For Acne Scars That Actually Work

9. Peeled Banana

My favorite fruit is bananas. Because it’s simple to do, lol! So one day I came upon a 5-minute DIY video about banana hacks. We all know they don’t work, don’t we?

But this one, to my surprise, did. In reality, it not only helped diminish acne, but it also left nearly no scar. Before I go any further, I must state that this will not be useful for huge pimples. Only the tiniest growing ones.

Cleanse your skin and carefully apply the peel to your acne. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight. Later, wash it under running water.

Tell me if this works for you; I’m skeptical, but it did for me, so it’s on the list!


Tomatoes are more than simply a nice fruit to add to your salad!

When used appropriately, it can help minimize acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Tomato juice, in fact, can be effective in diminishing depressed acne scars! Not only that, but they also aid to minimize the indications of aging.

That is what I call a superfruit.

You may apply tomato to your skin in the following ways:

  1. Peel the tomato and smash it in a container with a fork.
  2. Apply the crushed stuff on your face (including the seeds).
  3. You may also apply tomato juice on your face.
  4. Adding some cucumber will also be beneficial.
  5. Leave this mixture on your face for 20-40 minutes before washing it off.

To be honest, I prefer crushed tomato than juice since it works better for me. If you’re not a fan of the seeds, you may try the juice instead.

However, avoid purchasing bottled juice because most contain only a tiny proportion of genuine tomato!

Cucumber and tomato juice can be combined and frozen in an ice tray. Use it on your acne scars as needed without having to repeat the preparatory step.

Of course, natural is preferable, but if you want to attempt an effective combination, try this:

Aloe Soothing Gel

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