8 Foods for Stronger Nails to Add to Your Diet

3) Eggs for nails those are less brittle than a shell


There is no better way to strengthen nails! Very rich in proteins, they stimulate the production of keratin. We also find in the yellow of the minerals which will give them a blow of whip more than necessary. It will also help to take care of your cuticles.

4) Cereals, but not just any cereal!


As much as possible, use whole or semi-complete grains in your dishes (oats, wild rice…). Indeed, this will bring you nutrients that refined foods do not provide: vitamins of the B group, iron, zinc, selenium… There is also biotin (vitamin B8) which offers a complete reinforcement of the nails. This is reminiscent of brewer’s yeast, which is a classic in this regard and provides the same micronutrients.

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