Outdoor Christmas : 8 Amazing Tips For Organization

For many people, the advent season is as magical as the winter landscape. By organizing an outdoor Christmas party or Christmas Eve party, you create a very special magical world for the whole family. Here is a practical guide for an unforgettable Christmas in the open air, in a park, in the forest or on a playground.

1. It’s all about the organization

Who is it for? When? Where? These are the essential questions to ask yourself when planning your Christmas party. Christmas or St. Nicholas’ visit in the forest, in a park or on a playground is no exception.

To avoid stress and worries, download our checklist, you will find all the important points at a glance!

As we can’t normally reserve the most beautiful places or the most beautiful barbecue areas, we advise you to have several alternatives “in stock”. Alternatively, you can also go to the desired location early in the morning and start decorating it until the rest of the family arrives.

2. Important aspects in the choice of the place :

Location: is it easy for all family members to get around on foot? If not, choose places that can be reached without walking too far or that are easily accessible by car.

Wood fire: A good wood fire is a must for making bread with sticks, soup or hot punch. And when darkness falls, everything looks even more beautiful with a few glowing embers. Be careful with children near the fire to avoid accidents.

Sitting possibilities: are there any stumps or wooden benches to sit on in the chosen area?

Shelter: is there a place to take shelter nearby? If not, is it possible to attach a waterproof tarp? This is not a requirement. In fact, many inveterate Christmas in the woods enthusiasts prefer open air spaces.

Our advice: visit the possible grilling areas beforehand, preferably at the time of day when the party will take place. This will avoid unpleasant surprises and help you find the best way.

3. Plan a party menu that can be enjoyed outside

You already know the participants, the date and the possible locations? Then you can start planning the party menu. To do this, keep the following points in mind:

  •  Let’s start with the most important: no one expects a 6-course gourmet menu at an outdoor Christmas dinner!
  •   Think about what you can prepare at home and what can be cooked on site.
  • Take simple, but most importantly, portable dishes or snacks with you, such as stuffed turnovers, doughnuts or Christmas cookies.
  • On the wood fire you can prepare hot food and drinks: soup, Christmas tea or punch. Sausages, bread sticks or chocolate bananas are also always a hit. You can find more great ideas for delicious wood-fired recipes on Migusto.
  • Both young and old will want to drink together, so make sure you have a glass of Perldor for the kids!

4. A bright decoration for your outdoor Christmas

An outdoor Christmas is not like a Christmas party at home. With a light decoration, you can achieve a beautiful effect without much effort. Here are a few decorating ideas for an enchanting Christmas in the woods:

  • Go to your outdoor Christmas party with torches or lanterns and then arrange them around your location.
  • Decorate a small tree with a battery-operated string of lights…
  • … or let the children express their creativity and transform a tree into a Christmas tree with natural or home-made decorations.
  • Make an advent wreath with your children (with some stones, fir branches and pine cones) and light the four advent candles. Use candles in a candle jar, small lanterns or LED candles to keep them burning.
  • Be sure to take home all of the decorative items you brought.

5. Outdoor Christmas packing list

In addition to food and decorations, here’s what you shouldn’t forget for a successful Christmas in the woods:

  • A large hiking backpack, wagon or sled (if there is snow) to carry everything.
  • Reusable or recyclable dishes, cups and cutlery. For hot drinks and soup, we recommend using thermos bottles and insulated containers. Remember to bring a pocket knife.
  • Cooking and serving utensils, firelighters and matches. And possibly some dry firewood to light the fire.
  • Headlamps or flashlights for lighting (in addition to torches, string lights and candles.
  • A charged cell phone or camera to capture those beautiful family moments.
  • Cleaning paper, wet wipes and disinfectant gel, because you never know!
  • Warm blankets, aluminum seat cushions and hand warmers, but it is also important to wear appropriate outdoor clothing.
  • A few small Christmas gifts for the children as well as Christmas songs, stories and tales to sing and read.
  • Don’t forget garbage bags to take home all the leftovers and trash.

6. Christmas gifts

A Christmas without gifts? Not quite! The bigger gifts are waiting at home. For obvious practical reasons, we don’t take them outside. But to ensure that the children still have small gifts to unwrap, we suggest some ideas:

  •     Gift exchange: so no one leaves empty-handed, everyone draws a name before the party to make and receive a small gift. Set the rules so that the gifts are as small, light and weatherproof as possible.
  •     Small hint: the gift brought can give a clue to the larger gift left at home. For example, a small car announces a car garage. A Playmobil character reveals the world of the gift. Or a coloring page to indicate the new super gadget.

7. No festive outfit, but winter clothes

Whether it’s snowing or not, it will be cold this time of year. It’s best to dress your kids in their ski clothes. Take spare gloves and wool socks and don’t forget warm blankets, aluminum seat cushions and hand warmers. And of course, put on some good winter boots and a hat.

And here’s our number one tip: put thermal or lambskin insoles in your winter shoes to keep your feet warm!

8. Christmas songs and stories

Singing or playing music together contributes to a festive atmosphere. But be careful not to disturb the neighbors or the animals!

To add a nice touch of harmony: read Christmas stories and tales aloud, the children will be enchanted. If you are not too fond of traditional Christmas stories, there are all kinds of new and original Christmas and family themed stories.

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