15 Simple Ways to Make Cheap Clothes Look Expensive

11. Iron your clothes

When garments are wrinkled , they appear cheap. Even if you’re going to wear a $20 shirt with a $30 skirt, there should be no wrinkles.

Sure, you can iron some of your clothing or toss them in the dryer, but investing in a low-cost garment steamer may save you a lot of time and trouble, and an at-home dry cleaning kit can save you money on dry cleaning.

10. Stop cleaning your clothes so frequently!

You want to keep things clean, but cleaning isn’t the way to do it. Washing garments wears them down and fades the colors, making them appear worn and cheap. If you receive a stain on your garment, use a sponge or toothbrush to wipe it up. If anything begins to stink, put it in the freezer for the night. Yes, the freezer method is effective. Already, try it!

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