5 Easy Tips For Matching Colors In Your Outfit

 4) Rely on good allies : neutral colors to the rescue of your color combinations!

When you’re wearing a top and bottom in different colors or a strong print, figuring out what color to choose for the other pieces can be tricky. You don’t necessarily want to add a new color. As for black, it can quickly weigh down or dull the colorful outfit you just created.

In these cases, use neutral colors, namely gray, cream, camel or taupe. Basically, the whole range of gray and brown. Gray is a mixture of black and white, and brown is a mixture of the three primary colors. That’s why they are called neutrals. These basics channel the vibrancy of a colorful look. So think of a pair of gray boots or a camel jacket. They’ll calm a strong color, moderate a colorful ensemble, while making it easy to transition from one color to another.

Same effect with gold or silver: these metallic tones, especially with jewelry or leather goods, allow you to avoid the ease of black while keeping a colorful, bright set, without bringing yet another color that would risk to load the look. Although they have character, gold and silver know how to blend skillfully into an outfit, in addition to bringing brightness.

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