5 Easy Tips For Matching Colors In Your Outfit

3) Birds of a feather go together: get the colors right


If you’re still not too sure about the best choice of color combination, compose a cameo look. It’s all about using a single color but playing with its different shades, from light to dark. This allows you to wear a colorful outfit but without taking risks. For more relief, use different materials: matte and shiny, fluid and heavy …

Harmonies or analogous colors

Remember the color wheel and take a color on it. Observe the two colors that surround it: you have an analogy, in other words a harmony. For example: yellow finds harmony with the orange and green that surround it. The purple has as analogous colors the pink and the blue. By relying on an analogous harmony, you will obtain an association with a fluid result, almost obvious or natural since the eye slides from one color to another without obstacle in its path.


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