5 Easy Tips For Matching Colors In Your Outfit

We can also talk about a form of harmony with different colors but of similar intensity. Test this with pastels: with the same intensity, they go very well together, whether you have pale yellow with almond green, baby blue with peach orange… It’s always pretty.

So to create a beautiful and effective harmony, juxtapose two neighboring colors of the same intensity. Whether bright or muted, the intensity will greatly enhance a harmonious and elegant look.


Here’s another source of doubt: print. They can be scary because we think they complicate the exercise. But in my opinion, the more complex a print is, the easier it is to find good pieces to match it with. Why is that? Simply because it has so many colors that the field of possibilities becomes wider.

The rule when wearing a pattern is to carry over one of its colors to the other pieces of your outfit. So, if your print is made up of say 4 colors, you’ll have up to 4 options to compose the rest of your look. At the same time, you will vary your outfits since you will have other possibilities of associations for your next looks.

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