15 Things You Should Never Do During Your Period

Monthly genital bleeding starts at puberty, around 11-13 years old, and returns cyclically every month. It lasts for an average of 5 days and is caused by the destruction of the uterine lining in the absence of fertilization. Several symptoms accompany this period, pleasant or not, depending on the woman. To help you cope with this recurring period, we offer you these 15 tips in this article.

If the word tends to be free today, talking about one’s period is still difficult for many women. It is a taboo subject, even forbidden. According to some anthropologists, this dates back to the Neolithic period and the establishment of patriarchy. The fact that women bleed became a sign of weakness or even impurity, and this taboo was then taken up by scientists and religion.

Because of the hormonal changes during this period, some women will have delayed urges, while others will suffer from various ailments. We don’t know much about painful menstruation because of this taboo. The first study on this subject began in 2016!

To live better with this cyclical period, take a look at the 15 things you shouldn’t do in the following pages.

1. Keep your tampon too long and don’t read the instructions

It’s a rare disease… and a scary one at that. Because a simple tampon can send you to the emergency room. It’s called menstrual toxic syndrome.

It is an infectious disease linked to a toxin, which is not found in the tampon, but which is produced by a bacterium, staphylococcus aureus. When you use a sanitary protection, tampon or menstrual cup, the blood gets stuck and serves as a culture medium for the staphylococcus aureus, which will multiply.

When it reaches a certain concentration, it starts to produce the toxin of staphylococcal toxic shock. It has the ability to pass through the wall of the vagina and create inflammation in the blood,it is not the composition of the tampon that is at fault, but its misuse. So it is not enough to wash your hands after using a tampon, but you should do so beforehand.

It is generally recommended that you change your protection every four to eight hours, and you should read the instructions to find out exactly how long you can keep a tampon or a menstrual cup.

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