How to Get Fuller Lips Naturally – 12 Tips That Work.

3. Scrub with bicarbonate

The scrub itself… Let’s talk about it! We all think about scrubbing our face.

So why not for the lips, you ask? Yes, lips deserve to be well taken care of.

And a gentle exfoliation once a week is recommended. It helps to remove dead skin.

But that’s not all. It will also activate the micro circulation of the lips. This will automatically make them swell.

And you don’t even have to spend money to do this scrub!

Here are some ideas to make a gentle scrub at home: With baking soda, sugar, honey, lemon or coconut oil.

4. Moisturize your lips every day

Moisturize your lips

In my opinion, it can’t be repeated enough. It is essential to moisturize your lips properly every day, and even several times a day.

Indeed, the skin of the lips is very fragile. And this is true in winter as well as in summer.

Lips need to be deeply nourished and protected to keep their volume.

Choose a natural moisturizing balm with coconut oil or shea butter.

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