How to Get Fuller Lips Naturally – 12 Tips That Work.

5. Make a home treatment with thyme


Here’s a grandma’s remedy that few people know about for beautiful, full lips.

It’s like a magic potion whose secret is jealously guarded!

It’s a natural herbal treatment that deeply moisturizes and beautifies the lips. The recipe for this treatment is simple.

Mix equal amounts of thyme, chamomile and willow bark.Take a tablespoon of this mixture. Put it in a bowl.

Heat 250 ml of water and pour it over the herbs. Soak a cloth with this mixture and apply it on the lips.

Leave your homemade treatment on for 20 minutes. Your lips will love it!

6. Make a honey mask

honey lips

Honey is a natural product with multiple benefits. One of its properties is that it is a great healer and moisturizer.

It also has a plumping effect on your lips. You will love it! To have beautiful plump lips, cover your lips with honey and leave it on as long as possible.

Ideally, leave it on overnight.

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