12 Facial Yoga To Reduce Face Fat

3. Facial yoga – Fish Face

fish face- facial yoga
Do you enjoy taking selfies with a pout? This face yoga position will quickly captivate you.

Execution: is as simple as sucking your cheeks in like you’re doing that fish expression in your photos. Hold that stance for a few seconds, then attempt to smile as big as you can with that pout.

4. Facial yoga – Mouthwash Method

Mouthwash Method - facial yoga

Practice the mouthwash method to keep those laugh wrinkles and flabby cheeks at bay.

Execution: As the name implies, all you have to do is fill your mouth with air and move it from one corner to the other, just like you would while rinsing your mouth with water in the morning. Repeat the technique for 20-30 seconds, then rest and repeat.


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