12 Facial Yoga To Reduce Face Fat

11. Facial yoga – Blowing air

blowing air - facial yoga


This yoga for double chin and cheeks works the muscles of the face and neck, causing fat to be burned off in these regions. This is one of the best yoga positions for thin faces since it helps you reduce double chins and get a natural, lean facial appearance similar to that of a model.

Execution: Maintain a straight spine and a rearward inclination of the head. Make sure your gaze is fixed on the ceiling and that you can see it. Blow air through your lips. Continue repeating this for 10 seconds, then rest. Rep 10 times more.

12. Facial yoga – Chin lock

chin lock - facial yoga

It contours your face and tones the muscles of your face and jawline. It is ideal for those who have double chins since the workout is highly efficient in removing them.

Execution: Take a seat in the Lotus position. Deeply inhale and exhale. Kneel with your hands on your knees. Raise your sternum to the level of your chin. Bend your head forward and downward while locking your sternum on your chin. Hold this posture for a few moments.

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